Sometimes, there is no reason, to start a spontaneous dance.
It just happend, like it meant to be.
Just felt like something awake,
the smell of the life in the air..
Just felt like something alive…
I look for it,
like searching for the moon in the dream…
I tried,
very hard,
I made so much effort to achieve it,
but still, could be nowhere close to it…
It seems to be so difficult…
It felt like the harder I worked for it,
the farther it moved away from me.
I started to doubt life,
doubt myself
and doubt about this world…
Eventually, I stopped trying.
and just surrendered…
surrendered to everything the life given to me…
I opened myself, and turned it over to the source…
I prayed,
“if this is really meant to happend, please let it happen…”
“I allowed the source to live the life through me…
Eventually, I felt myself falling into the depth of my being…
Something wonderful happend…
The helping and healing power just flowed to me,
through me,
and all around me
As long as I opened my arms to receive it,
As long as I release the resistance and just let it come..
as long as I truly allow,
the universe would bring everything I want to me,
Note: These site specific dance activities are a collaboration between Lily Wak and Martin Gray, who also made all the images showed here.